Lang, Doc, Corpus

textacy.spacier.core: Convenient entry point for loading spaCy language pipelines and making spaCy docs.

textacy.spacier.core.load_spacy_lang(name: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs)Language[source]

Load a spaCy Language — a shared vocabulary and language-specific data for tokenizing text, and (if available) model data and a processing pipeline containing a sequence of components for annotating a document — and cache results, for quick reloading as needed.

Note that as of spaCy v3, for which pipeline aliases are no longer allowed, this function is just a convenient access point to underlying spacy.load().

>>> en_nlp = textacy.load_spacy_lang("en_core_web_sm")
>>> en_nlp = textacy.load_spacy_lang("en_core_web_sm", disable=("parser",))
>>> textacy.load_spacy_lang("ar")
OSError: [E050] Can't find model 'ar'. It doesn't seem to be a Python package or a valid path to a data directory.
  • name – Name or path to the spaCy language pipeline to load.

  • **kwargs


Although spaCy’s API specifies some kwargs as List[str], here we require Tuple[str, ...] equivalents. Language pipelines are stored in an LRU cache with unique identifiers generated from the hash of the function name and args — and lists aren’t hashable.


Loaded spaCy Language.



textacy.spacier.core.make_spacy_doc(data: Union[str, textacy.types.Record, spacy.tokens.doc.Doc], lang: Union[str, pathlib.Path, spacy.language.Language, Callable[[str], str], Callable[[str], pathlib.Path], Callable[[str], spacy.language.Language]], *, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None)spacy.tokens.doc.Doc[source]

Make a spacy.tokens.Doc from valid inputs, and automatically load/validate spacy.language.Language pipelines to process data.

Make a Doc from text:

>>> text = "To be, or not to be, that is the question."
>>> doc = make_spacy_doc(text, "en_core_web_sm")
>>> doc._.preview
'Doc(13 tokens: "To be, or not to be, that is the question.")'

Make a Doc from a (text, metadata) pair, aka a “record”:

>>> record = (text, {"author": "Shakespeare, William"})
>>> doc = make_spacy_doc(record, "en_core_web_sm")
>>> doc._.preview
'Doc(13 tokens: "To be, or not to be, that is the question.")'
>>> doc._.meta
{'author': 'Shakespeare, William'}

Specify the language pipeline used to process the text in a few different ways:

>>> make_spacy_doc(text, lang="en_core_web_sm")
>>> make_spacy_doc(text, lang=textacy.load_spacy_lang("en_core_web_sm"))
>>> make_spacy_doc(text, lang=lambda txt: "en_core_web_sm")

Ensure that an already-processed Doc is compatible with lang:

>>> spacy_lang = textacy.load_spacy_lang("en_core_web_sm")
>>> doc = spacy_lang(text)
>>> make_spacy_doc(doc, lang="en_core_web_sm")
>>> make_spacy_doc(doc, lang="es_core_news_sm")
ValueError: `spacy.Vocab` used to process document must be the same as that used by the `lang` pipeline ('es_core_news_sm')
  • data – Make a spacy.tokens.Doc from a text or (text, metadata) pair. If already a Doc, ensure that it’s compatible with lang to avoid surprises downstream, and return it as-is.

  • lang – Language with which spaCy processes (or processed) data, represented as the full name of a spaCy language pipeline, the path on disk to it, an already instantiated pipeline, or a callable function that takes the text component of data and outputs one of the above representations.

  • chunk_size

    Size of chunks in number of characters into which text will be split before processing each via spaCy and concatenating the results into a single Doc.


    This is intended as a workaround for processing very long texts, for which spaCy is unable to allocate enough RAM. For best performance, chunk size should be somewhere between 1e3 and 1e7 characters, depending on how much RAM you have available.

    Since chunking is done by character, chunks’ boundaries likely won’t respect natural language segmentation, and as a result spaCy’s models may make mistakes on sentences/words that cross them.


Processed spaCy Doc.

textacy.spacier.core.get_doc_preview(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc)str[source]

Get a short preview of doc, including the number of tokens and a snippet. Typically used as a custom extension, like doc._.preview .

textacy.spacier.core.get_doc_meta(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc)dict[source]

Get custom metadata added to doc . Typically used as a custom extension, like doc._.meta .

textacy.spacier.core.set_doc_meta(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc, value: dict)None[source]

Add custom metadata value to doc . Typically used as a custom extension, like doc._.meta = value .

textacy.corpus: Class for working with a collection of spaCy Doc s. Includes functionality for easily adding, getting, and removing documents; saving to / loading their data from disk; and tracking basic corpus statistics.

class textacy.corpus.Corpus(lang: Union[str, pathlib.Path, spacy.language.Language], data: Optional[Union[str, textacy.types.Record, spacy.tokens.doc.Doc, Iterable[str], Iterable[textacy.types.Record], Iterable[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc]]] = None)[source]

An ordered collection of spacy.tokens.Doc, all of the same language and sharing the same spacy.language.Language processing pipeline and vocabulary, with data held in-memory.

Initialize from a Language name or instance and (optionally) one or a stream of texts or (text, metadata) pairs:

>>> ds = textacy.datasets.CapitolWords()
>>> records = ds.records(limit=50)
>>> corpus = textacy.Corpus("en_core_web_sm", data=records)
>>> print(corpus)
Corpus(50 docs, 32175 tokens)

Add or remove documents, with automatic updating of corpus statistics:

>>> texts = ds.texts(congress=114, limit=25)
>>> corpus.add(texts)
>>> corpus.add("If Burton were a member of Congress, here's what he'd say.")
>>> print(corpus)
Corpus(76 docs, 55906 tokens)
>>> corpus.remove(lambda doc: doc._.meta.get("speaker_name") == "Rick Santorum")
>>> print(corpus)
Corpus(61 docs, 48567 tokens)

Get subsets of documents matching your particular use case:

>>> match_func = lambda doc: doc._.meta.get("speaker_name") == "Bernie Sanders"
>>> for doc in corpus.get(match_func, limit=3):
...     print(doc._.preview)
Doc(159 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, 480,000 Federal employees are work...")
Doc(336 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding...")
Doc(177 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, if we want to understand why in th...")

Get or remove documents by indexing, too:

>>> corpus[0]._.preview
'Doc(159 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, 480,000 Federal employees are work...")'
>>> [doc._.preview for doc in corpus[:3]]
['Doc(159 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, 480,000 Federal employees are work...")',
 'Doc(219 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, a relationship, to work and surviv...")',
 'Doc(336 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding...")']
>>> del corpus[:5]
>>> print(corpus)
Corpus(56 docs, 41573 tokens)

Compute basic corpus statistics:

>>> corpus.n_docs, corpus.n_sents, corpus.n_tokens
(56, 1771, 41573)
>>> word_counts = corpus.word_counts(by="lemma_")
>>> sorted(word_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:5]
[('-PRON-', 2553), ('people', 215), ('year', 148), ('Mr.', 139), ('$', 137)]
>>> word_doc_counts = corpus.word_doc_counts(by="lemma_", weighting="freq")
>>> sorted(word_doc_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:5]
[('-PRON-', 0.9821428571428571),
 ('Mr.', 0.7678571428571429),
 ('President', 0.5),
 ('people', 0.48214285714285715),
 ('need', 0.44642857142857145)]

Save corpus data to and load from disk:

>>> corpus = textacy.Corpus.load("en_core_web_sm", "./cw_sample.bin.gz")
>>> print(corpus)
Corpus(56 docs, 41573 tokens)
  • lang

    Language with which spaCy processes (or processed) all documents added to the corpus, whether as data now or later.

    Pass the name of a spacy language pipeline (e.g. “en_core_web_sm”), or an already-instantiated spacy.language.Language object.

    A given / detected language string is then used to instantiate a corresponding Language with all default components enabled.

  • data

    One or a stream of texts, records, or spacy.tokens.Doc s to be added to the corpus.

    See also














add(data: Union[str, textacy.types.Record, spacy.tokens.doc.Doc, Iterable[str], Iterable[textacy.types.Record], Iterable[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc]], batch_size: int = 1000, n_process: int = 1)[source]

Add one or a stream of texts, records, or spacy.tokens.Doc s to the corpus, ensuring that all processing is or has already been done by the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.

  • data

  • batch_size – Number of texts to buffer when processing with spaCy.

  • n_process

    Number of parallel processors to run when processing. If -1, this is set to multiprocessing.cpu_count().


    This feature is only applies when data is a sequence of texts or records.

add_text(text: str)None[source]

Add one text to the corpus, processing it into a spacy.tokens.Doc using the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.


text (str) –

add_texts(texts: Iterable[str], batch_size: int = 1000, n_process: int = 1)None[source]

Add a stream of texts to the corpus, efficiently processing them into spacy.tokens.Doc s using the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.

  • texts – Sequence of texts to process and add to corpus.

  • batch_size – Number of texts to buffer when processing with spaCy.

  • n_process

    Number of parallel processors to run when processing. If -1, this is set to multiprocessing.cpu_count().


    This feature is only available in spaCy 2.2.2+.

add_record(record: textacy.types.Record)None[source]

Add one record to the corpus, processing it into a spacy.tokens.Doc using the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.



add_records(records: Iterable[textacy.types.Record], batch_size: int = 1000, n_process: int = 1)None[source]

Add a stream of records to the corpus, efficiently processing them into spacy.tokens.Doc s using the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.

  • records – Sequence of records to process and add to corpus.

  • batch_size – Number of texts to buffer when processing with spaCy.

  • n_process

    Number of parallel processors to run when processing. If -1, this is set to multiprocessing.cpu_count().


    This feature is only available in spaCy 2.2.2+.

add_doc(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc)None[source]

Add one spacy.tokens.Doc to the corpus, provided it was processed using the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.



add_docs(docs: Iterable[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc])None[source]

Add a stream of spacy.tokens.Doc s to the corpus, provided they were processed using the Corpus.spacy_lang pipeline.



get(match_func: Callable[[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc], bool], limit: Optional[int] = None)Iterable[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc][source]

Get all (or N <= limit) docs in Corpus for which match_func(doc) is True.

  • match_func

    Function that takes a spacy.tokens.Doc as input and returns a boolean value. For example:

    Corpus.get(lambda x: len(x) >= 100)

    gets all docs with at least 100 tokens. And:

    Corpus.get(lambda doc: doc._.meta["author"] == "Burton DeWilde")

    gets all docs whose author was given as ‘Burton DeWilde’.

  • limit – Maximum number of matched docs to return.


spacy.tokens.Doc – Next document passing match_func.


To get doc(s) by index, treat Corpus as a list and use Python’s usual indexing and slicing: Corpus[0] gets the first document in the corpus; Corpus[:5] gets the first 5; etc.

remove(match_func: Callable[[spacy.tokens.doc.Doc], bool], limit: Optional[int] = None)None[source]

Remove all (or N <= limit) docs in Corpus for which match_func(doc) is True. Corpus doc/sent/token counts are adjusted accordingly.

  • match_func

    Function that takes a spacy.tokens.Doc and returns a boolean value. For example:

    Corpus.remove(lambda x: len(x) >= 100)

    removes docs with at least 100 tokens. And:

    Corpus.remove(lambda doc: doc._.meta["author"] == "Burton DeWilde")

    removes docs whose author was given as “Burton DeWilde”.

  • limit – Maximum number of matched docs to remove.


To remove doc(s) by index, treat Corpus as a list and use Python’s usual indexing and slicing: del Corpus[0] removes the first document in the corpus; del Corpus[:5] removes the first 5; etc.

property vectors

Constituent docs’ word vectors stacked in a 2d array.

property vector_norms

Constituent docs’ L2-normalized word vectors stacked in a 2d array.

word_counts(*, by: Literal[lemma, lower, norm, orth, lemma_, lower_, norm_, orth_] = 'lemma', weighting: Literal[count, freq] = 'count', **kwargs)Dict[int, int | float] | Dict[str, int | float][source]

Map the set of unique words in Corpus to their counts as absolute, relative, or binary frequencies of occurence, similar to Doc._.to_bag_of_words() but aggregated over all docs.

  • by – Attribute by which spaCy Token s are grouped before counting, as given by getattr(token, by). If “lemma”, tokens are grouped by their base form w/o inflections; if “lower”, by the lowercase form of the token text; if “norm”, by the normalized form of the token text; if “orth”, by the token text exactly as it appears in documents. To output keys as strings, append an underscore to any of these options; for example, “lemma_” groups tokens by their lemmas as strings.

  • weighting – Type of weighting to assign to unique words given by by. If “count”, weights are the absolute number of occurrences (i.e. counts); if “freq”, weights are counts normalized by the total token count, giving their relative frequency of occurrence.

  • **kwargs – Passed directly on to textacy.extract.words() - filter_stops: If True, stop words are removed before counting. - filter_punct: If True, punctuation tokens are removed before counting. - filter_nums: If True, number-like tokens are removed before counting.


Mapping of a unique word id or string (depending on the value of by) to its absolute, relative, or binary frequency of occurrence (depending on the value of weighting).

word_doc_counts(*, by: Literal[lemma, lower, norm, orth, lemma_, lower_, norm_, orth_] = 'lemma', weighting: Literal[count, freq, idf] = 'count', smooth_idf: bool = True, **kwargs)Dict[int, int | float] | Dict[str, int | float][source]

Map the set of unique words in Corpus to their document counts as absolute, relative, or inverse frequencies of occurence.

  • by – Attribute by which spaCy Token s are grouped before counting, as given by getattr(token, by). If “lemma”, tokens are grouped by their base form w/o inflections; if “lower”, by the lowercase form of the token text; if “norm”, by the normalized form of the token text; if “orth”, by the token text exactly as it appears in documents. To output keys as strings, append an underscore to any of these options; for example, “lemma_” groups tokens by their lemmas as strings.

  • weighting – Type of weighting to assign to unique words given by by. If “count”, weights are the absolute number of occurrences (i.e. counts); if “freq”, weights are counts normalized by the total token count, giving their relative frequency of occurrence; if “idf”, weights are the log of the inverse relative frequencies, i.e. log(n_docs / word_doc_count) or, if smooth_idf is True, log(1 + (n_docs / word_doc_count)).

  • smooth_idf – If True, add 1 to all word doc counts when calculating “idf” weighting, equivalent to adding a single document to the corpus containing every unique word.


Mapping of a unique word id or string (depending on the value of by) to the number of documents in which it appears, weighted as absolute, relative, or inverse frequency of occurrence (depending on the value of weighting).

See also


agg_metadata(name: str, agg_func: Callable[[Iterable[Any]], Any], default: Optional[Any] = None)Any[source]

Aggregate values for a particular metadata field over all documents in Corpus.

  • name – Name of metadata field (key) in Doc._.meta.

  • agg_func – Callable that accepts an iterable of field values and outputs a single, aggregated result.

  • default – Default field value to use if name is not found in a given document’s metadata.


Aggregated value for metadata field.

save(filepath: types.PathLike, attrs: Optional[str | Iterable[str] | Literal[auto]] = 'auto', store_user_data: bool = True)[source]

Save Corpus to disk as binary data.

  • filepath – Full path to file on disk where Corpus docs data will be saved as a binary file.

  • attrs – List of token attributes to serialize; if “auto”, an appropriate list is inferred from annotations found on the first Doc; if None, spaCy’s default values are used (

  • store_user_data – If True, store user data and values of custom extension attributes along with core spaCy attributes.

See also

  • Corpus.load()


  • spacy.tokens.DocBin

classmethod load(lang: Union[str, pathlib.Path, spacy.language.Language], filepath: Union[str, pathlib.Path])Corpus[source]

Load previously saved Corpus binary data, reproduce the original :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc`s tokens and annotations, and instantiate a new :class:`Corpus from them.

  • lang

  • filepath – Full path to file on disk where Corpus data was previously saved as a binary file.


Initialized corpus.

See also

Custom Extensions

textacy.spacier.extensions: Functions for getting, setting, and removing collections of custom extensions on spaCy classes.

textacy.spacier.extensions.get_doc_extensions(name: str)Dict[str, Dict[str, textacy.types.DocExtFunc]][source]

Get a collection of custom extensions that can be set on or removed from the global spacy.tokens.Doc , specified by name .


name – Name of a function registered in doc_extensions_registry that returns a collection of custom doc extensions as a dictionary. For example, “extract” or “extract.keyterms”.


If name isn’t found, you may need to import the module from which it comes. For example, the “text_stats” collection of doc extensions is only available after running import textacy.text_stats .

textacy.spacier.extensions.set_doc_extensions(name: str, force: bool = True)[source]

Set a collection of custom extensions on the global spacy.tokens.Doc , specified by name .

  • name – Name of a function registered in doc_extensions_registry that returns a collection of custom doc extensions as a dictionary. For example, “extract” or “extract.keyterms”.

  • force – If True, set extensions even if existing extensions already exist; otherwise, don’t overwrite existing extensions.

textacy.spacier.extensions.remove_doc_extensions(name: str)[source]

Remove a collection of custom extensions from the global spacy.tokens.Doc , specified by name .


name – Name of a function registered in doc_extensions_registry that returns a collection of custom doc extensions as a dictionary. For example, “extract” or “extract.keyterms”.