Source code for textacy.augmentation.augmenter

from __future__ import annotations

import random
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from spacy.tokens import Doc

from .. import spacier, types, utils
from . import utils as aug_utils

AugTransform = Callable[[List[aug_utils.AugTok]], List[aug_utils.AugTok]]

[docs]class Augmenter: """ Randomly apply one or many data augmentation transforms to spaCy ``Doc`` s to produce new docs with additional variety and/or noise in the data. Initialize an ``Augmenter`` with multiple transforms, and customize the randomization of their selection when applying to a document:: >>> tfs = [transforms.delete_words, transforms.swap_chars, transforms.delete_chars] >>> Augmenter(tfs, num=None) # all tfs applied each time >>> Augmenter(tfs, num=1) # one randomly-selected tf applied each time >>> Augmenter(tfs, num=0.5) # tfs randomly selected with 50% prob each time >>> augmenter = Augmenter(tfs, num=[0.4, 0.8, 0.6]) # tfs randomly selected with 40%, 80%, 60% probs, respectively, each time Apply transforms to a given ``Doc`` to produce new documents:: >>> text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." >>> doc = textacy.make_spacy_doc(text, lang="en_core_web_sm") >>> augmenter.apply_transforms(doc, lang="en_core_web_sm") The quick brown ox jupms over the lazy dog. >>> augmenter.apply_transforms(doc, lang="en_core_web_sm") The quikc brown fox over the lazy dog. >>> augmenter.apply_transforms(doc, lang="en_core_web_sm") quick brown fox jumps over teh lazy dog. Parameters for individual transforms may be specified when initializing ``Augmenter`` or, if necessary, when applying to individual documents:: >>> from functools import partial >>> tfs = [partial(transforms.delete_words, num=3), transforms.swap_chars] >>> augmenter = Augmenter(tfs) >>> augmenter.apply_transforms(doc, lang="en_core_web_sm") brown fox jumps over layz dog. >>> augmenter.apply_transforms(doc, lang="en_core_web_sm", pos={"NOUN", "ADJ"}) The jumps over the lazy odg. Args: transforms: Ordered sequence of callables that must take List[:obj:`AugTok`] as their first positional argument and return another List[:obj:`AugTok`]. .. note:: Although the particular transforms applied may vary doc-by-doc, they are applied *in order* as listed here. Since some transforms may clobber text in a way that makes other transforms less effective, a stable ordering can improve the quality of augmented data. num: If int, number of transforms to randomly select from ``transforms`` each time :meth:`Augmenter.apply_tranforms()` is called. If float, probability that any given transform will be selected. If Sequence[float], the probability that the corresponding transform in ``transforms`` will be selected (these must be the same length). If None (default), num is set to ``len(transforms)``, which means that every transform is applied each time. See Also: A collection of general-purpose transforms are implemented in :mod:`textacy.augmentation.transforms`. """ def __init__( self, transforms: Sequence[AugTransform], *, num: Optional[int | float | Sequence[float]] = None, ): self.tfs = self._validate_transforms(transforms) self.num = self._validate_num(num)
[docs] def apply_transforms(self, doc: Doc, lang: types.LangLike, **kwargs) -> Doc: """ Sequentially apply some subset of data augmentation transforms to ``doc``, then return a new ``Doc`` created from the augmented text using ``lang``. Args: doc lang **kwargs: If, for whatever reason, you have to pass keyword argument values into transforms that vary or depend on characteristics of ``doc``, specify them here. The transforms' call signatures will be inspected, and values will be passed along, as needed. Returns: :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` """ if doc.has_annotation("SENT_START"): nested_aug_toks = [aug_utils.to_aug_toks(sent) for sent in doc.sents] else: nested_aug_toks = [aug_utils.to_aug_toks(doc)] tfs = self._get_random_transforms() new_nested_aug_toks = [] for aug_toks in nested_aug_toks: # this is a bit of a hack, but whatchagonnado if kwargs: for tf in tfs: tf_kwargs = utils.get_kwargs_for_func(tf, kwargs) aug_toks = tf(aug_toks, **tf_kwargs) else: for tf in tfs: aug_toks = tf(aug_toks) new_nested_aug_toks.append(aug_toks) return self._make_new_spacy_doc(new_nested_aug_toks, lang)
def _validate_transforms( self, transforms: Sequence[AugTransform] ) -> Tuple[AugTransform]: transforms = tuple(transforms) if not transforms: raise ValueError("at least one transform callable must be specified") elif not all(callable(transform) for transform in transforms): raise TypeError("all transforms must be callable") else: return transforms def _validate_num( self, num: Optional[int | float | Sequence[float]] ) -> int | float | Tuple[float]: if num is None: return len(self.tfs) elif isinstance(num, int) and 0 <= num <= len(self.tfs): return num elif isinstance(num, float) and 0.0 <= num <= 1.0: return num elif ( isinstance(num, (tuple, list)) and len(num) == len(self.tfs) and all(isinstance(n, float) and 0.0 <= n <= 1.0 for n in num) ): return tuple(num) else: raise ValueError( f"num={num} is invalid; must be an int >= 1, a float in [0.0, 1.0], " "or a list of floats of length equal to given transforms" ) def _get_random_transforms(self) -> List[AugTransform]: num = self.num if isinstance(num, int): rand_idxs = random.sample(range(len(self.tfs)), min(num, len(self.tfs))) rand_tfs = [self.tfs[idx] for idx in sorted(rand_idxs)] elif isinstance(num, float): rand_tfs = [tf for tf in self.tfs if random.random() < num] else: rand_tfs = [ tf for tf, tf_num in zip(self.tfs, self.num) if random.random() < tf_num ] return rand_tfs def _make_new_spacy_doc(self, nested_aug_tokens, lang: types.LangLike) -> Doc: # TODO: maybe collect words, spaces, and array vals # then directly instantiate a new Doc object? # this would require adding an array field to AugTok new_text = "".join( aug_tok.text + for aug_toks in nested_aug_tokens for aug_tok in aug_toks ) return spacier.core.make_spacy_doc(new_text, lang=lang)