Source code for textacy.augmentation.transforms

from __future__ import annotations

import random
from typing import List, Optional, Set

from cytoolz import itertoolz

from .. import errors, utils
from . import utils as aug_utils

[docs]def substitute_word_synonyms( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, pos: Optional[str | Set[str]] = None, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly substitute words for which synonyms are available with a randomly selected synonym, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through synonym substitution. num: If int, maximum number of words with available synonyms to substitute with a randomly selected synonym; if float, probability that a given word with synonyms will be substituted. pos: Part of speech tag(s) of words to be considered for augmentation. If None, all words with synonyms are considered. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. Note: This transform requires :class:`textacy.resources.ConceptNet` to be downloaded to work properly, since this is the data source for word synonyms to be substituted. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) pos = utils.to_collection(pos, str, set) cand_idxs = [ idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.syns and (pos is None or aug_tok.pos in pos) ] rand_idxs = set(_select_random_candidates(cand_idxs, num)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] new_aug_toks = [] for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks): if idx in rand_idxs: new_aug_toks.append( aug_utils.AugTok( text=random.choice(aug_tok.syns),, pos=aug_tok.pos, is_word=aug_tok.is_word, syns=aug_tok.syns, # TODO: re-fetch syns? use []? ) ) else: new_aug_toks.append(aug_tok) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def insert_word_synonyms( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, pos: Optional[str | Set[str]] = None, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly insert random synonyms of tokens for which synonyms are available, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through synonym insertion. num: If int, maximum number of words with available synonyms from which a random synonym is selected and randomly inserted; if float, probability that a given word with synonyms will provide a synonym to be inserted. pos: Part of speech tag(s) of words to be considered for augmentation. If None, all words with synonyms are considered. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. Note: This transform requires :class:`textacy.resources.ConceptNet` to be downloaded to work properly, since this is the data source for word synonyms to be inserted. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) pos = utils.to_collection(pos, str, set) # bail out on very short sentences to avoid clobbering meaning if len(aug_toks) < 3: return aug_toks[:] cand_aug_toks = [ aug_tok for aug_tok in aug_toks if aug_tok.syns and (pos is None or aug_tok.pos in pos) ] rand_aug_toks = _select_random_candidates(cand_aug_toks, num) rand_idxs = random.sample(range(len(aug_toks)), len(rand_aug_toks)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] rand_aug_toks = iter(rand_aug_toks) new_aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok] = [] # NOTE: padded_pairs = itertoolz.sliding_window(2, [None] + aug_toks) # type: ignore for idx, (prev_tok, curr_tok) in enumerate(padded_pairs): if idx in rand_idxs: rand_aug_tok = next(rand_aug_toks) if prev_tok: # use previous token's whitespace for inserted synonym new_tok_ws = if prev_tok.is_word and not # previous token should have whitespace, if a word new_aug_toks[-1] = aug_utils.AugTok( text=prev_tok.text, ws=" ", pos=prev_tok.pos, is_word=True, syns=prev_tok.syns, ) else: new_tok_ws = " " new_aug_toks.append( aug_utils.AugTok( text=random.choice(rand_aug_tok.syns), ws=new_tok_ws, pos=rand_aug_tok.pos, is_word=rand_aug_tok.is_word, syns=rand_aug_tok.syns, # TODO: re-fetch syns? use []? ) ) new_aug_toks.append(curr_tok) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def swap_words( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, pos: Optional[str | Set[str]] = None, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly swap the positions of two *adjacent* words, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through position swapping. num: If int, maximum number of adjacent word pairs to swap; if float, probability that a given word pair will be swapped. pos: Part of speech tag(s) of words to be considered for augmentation. If None, all words are considered. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) pos = utils.to_collection(pos, str, set) # if we don't require _adjacent_ words, this does the trick # if not pos: # pos = set(aug_tok.pos for aug_tok in aug_toks if aug_tok.is_word) # cand_idx_pairs = list( # itertools.chain.from_iterable( # itertools.combinations( # (idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.pos == pos_), # 2, # ) # for pos_ in pos # ) # ) cand_idxs = ( idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.is_word and (pos is None or aug_tok.pos in pos) ) cand_idx_pairs = [ (idx1, idx2) for idx1, idx2 in itertoolz.sliding_window(2, cand_idxs) if idx2 - idx1 == 1 ] rand_idx_pairs = _select_random_candidates(cand_idx_pairs, num) if not rand_idx_pairs: return aug_toks[:] new_aug_toks = aug_toks[:] for idx1, idx2 in rand_idx_pairs: tok1 = new_aug_toks[idx1] tok2 = new_aug_toks[idx2] new_aug_toks[idx1] = aug_utils.AugTok( text=tok2.text,, pos=tok2.pos, is_word=tok2.is_word, syns=tok2.syns, ) new_aug_toks[idx2] = aug_utils.AugTok( text=tok1.text,, pos=tok1.pos, is_word=tok1.is_word, syns=tok1.syns, ) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def delete_words( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, pos: Optional[str | Set[str]] = None, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly delete words, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through word deletion. num: If int, maximum number of words to delete; if float, probability that a given word will be deleted. pos: Part of speech tag(s) of words to be considered for augmentation. If None, all words are considered. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) pos = utils.to_collection(pos, str, set) # bail out on very short sentences to avoid clobbering meaning if len(aug_toks) < 3: return aug_toks[:] cand_idxs = [ idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.is_word and (pos is None or aug_tok.pos in pos) and idx > 0 ] rand_idxs = set(_select_random_candidates(cand_idxs, num)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] new_aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok] = [] # NOTE: padded_triplets = itertoolz.sliding_window( 3, [None] + aug_toks + [None], # type: ignore ) for idx, (prev_tok, curr_tok, next_tok) in enumerate(padded_triplets): if idx in rand_idxs: # special case: word then [deleted word] then punctuation # give deleted word's whitespace to previous word if prev_tok and next_tok and prev_tok.is_word and not next_tok.is_word: new_aug_toks[-1] = aug_utils.AugTok( text=prev_tok.text,, pos=prev_tok.pos, is_word=prev_tok.is_word, syns=prev_tok.syns, ) else: new_aug_toks.append(curr_tok) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def substitute_chars( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, lang: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly substitute a single character in randomly-selected words with another, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through character substitution. num: If int, maximum number of words to modify with a random character substitution; if float, probability that a given word will be modified. lang: Standard, two-letter language code corresponding to ``aug_toks``. Used to load a weighted distribution of language-appropriate characters that are randomly selected for substitution. More common characters are more likely to be substituted. If not specified, ascii letters and digits are randomly selected with equal probability. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. Note: This transform requires :class:`textacy.datasets.UDHR` to be downloaded to work properly, since this is the data source for character weights when deciding which char(s) to insert. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) char_weights = aug_utils.get_char_weights(lang or "xx") cand_idxs = [ idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.is_word and len(aug_tok.text) >= 3 ] rand_idxs = set(_select_random_candidates(cand_idxs, num)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] rand_chars = iter( random.choices( [char for char, _ in char_weights], weights=[weight for _, weight in char_weights], k=len(rand_idxs), ) ) new_aug_toks = [] for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks): if idx in rand_idxs: text_list = list(aug_tok.text) rand_char_idx = random.choice(range(len(text_list))) text_list[rand_char_idx] = next(rand_chars) new_aug_toks.append( aug_utils.AugTok( text="".join(text_list),, pos=aug_tok.pos, is_word=aug_tok.is_word, syns=aug_tok.syns, ) ) else: new_aug_toks.append(aug_tok) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def insert_chars( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, lang: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly insert a character into randomly-selected words, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through character insertion. num: If int, maximum number of words to modify with a random character insertion; if float, probability that a given word will be modified. lang: Standard, two-letter language code corresponding to ``aug_toks``. Used to load a weighted distribution of language-appropriate characters that are randomly selected for substitution. More common characters are more likely to be substituted. If not specified, ascii letters and digits are randomly selected with equal probability. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. Note: This transform requires :class:`textacy.datasets.UDHR` to be downloaded to work properly, since this is the data source for character weights when deciding which char(s) to insert. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) char_weights = aug_utils.get_char_weights(lang or "xx") cand_idxs = [ idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.is_word and len(aug_tok.text) >= 3 ] rand_idxs = set(_select_random_candidates(cand_idxs, num)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] rand_chars = iter( random.choices( [char for char, _ in char_weights], weights=[weight for _, weight in char_weights], k=len(rand_idxs), ) ) new_aug_toks = [] for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks): if idx in rand_idxs: text_list = list(aug_tok.text) rand_char_idx = random.choice(range(len(text_list))) text_list.insert(rand_char_idx, next(rand_chars)) new_aug_toks.append( aug_utils.AugTok( text="".join(text_list),, pos=aug_tok.pos, is_word=aug_tok.is_word, syns=aug_tok.syns, ) ) else: new_aug_toks.append(aug_tok) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def swap_chars( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly swap two *adjacent* characters in randomly-selected words, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through character swapping. num: If int, maximum number of words to modify with a random character swap; if float, probability that a given word will be modified. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) cand_idxs = [ idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.is_word and len(aug_tok.text) >= 3 ] rand_idxs = set(_select_random_candidates(cand_idxs, num)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] new_aug_toks = [] for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks): if idx in rand_idxs: text_list = list(aug_tok.text) idx = random.choice(range(1, len(text_list))) text_list[idx - 1], text_list[idx] = text_list[idx], text_list[idx - 1] new_aug_toks.append( aug_utils.AugTok( text="".join(text_list),, pos=aug_tok.pos, is_word=aug_tok.is_word, syns=aug_tok.syns, ) ) else: new_aug_toks.append(aug_tok) return new_aug_toks
[docs]def delete_chars( aug_toks: List[aug_utils.AugTok], *, num: int | float = 1, ) -> List[aug_utils.AugTok]: """ Randomly delete a character in randomly-selected words, up to ``num`` times or with a probability of ``num``. Args: aug_toks: Sequence of tokens to augment through character deletion. num: If int, maximum number of words to modify with a random character deletion; if float, probability that a given word will be modified. Returns: New, augmented sequence of tokens. """ _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks) cand_idxs = [ idx for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks) if aug_tok.is_word and len(aug_tok.text) >= 3 ] rand_idxs = set(_select_random_candidates(cand_idxs, num)) if not rand_idxs: return aug_toks[:] new_aug_toks = [] for idx, aug_tok in enumerate(aug_toks): if idx in rand_idxs: rand_char_idx = random.choice(range(len(aug_tok.text))) text = "".join( char for char_idx, char in enumerate(aug_tok.text) if char_idx != rand_char_idx ) new_aug_toks.append( aug_utils.AugTok( text=text,, pos=aug_tok.pos, is_word=aug_tok.is_word, syns=aug_tok.syns, ) ) else: new_aug_toks.append(aug_tok) return new_aug_toks
def _validate_aug_toks(aug_toks): if not (isinstance(aug_toks, list) and isinstance(aug_toks[0], aug_utils.AugTok)): raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg("aug_toks", type(aug_toks), List[aug_utils.AugTok]) ) def _select_random_candidates(cands, num): """ Args: cands (List[obj]) num (int or float) Returns: List[obj] """ if isinstance(num, int) and num >= 0: rand_cands = random.sample(cands, min(num, len(cands))) elif isinstance(num, float) and 0.0 <= num <= 1.0: rand_cands = [cand for cand in cands if random.random() < num] else: raise ValueError( f"num={num} is invalid; must be an int >= 0 or a float in [0.0, 1.0]" ) return rand_cands