Source code for textacy.corpus

:mod:`textacy.corpus`: Class for working with a collection of spaCy ``Doc`` s.
Includes functionality for easily adding, getting, and removing documents;
saving to / loading their data from disk; and tracking basic corpus statistics.
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import itertools
import logging
import math
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import spacy
from cytoolz import itertoolz
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.tokens import Doc, DocBin

from . import io as tio
from . import errors, extensions, spacier, types, utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Corpus: """ An ordered collection of :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc`, all of the same language and sharing the same :class:`spacy.language.Language` processing pipeline and vocabulary, with data held *in-memory*. Initialize from a ``Language`` name or instance and (optionally) one or a stream of texts or (text, metadata) pairs: .. code-block:: pycon >>> ds = textacy.datasets.CapitolWords() >>> records = ds.records(limit=50) >>> corpus = textacy.Corpus("en_core_web_sm", data=records) >>> print(corpus) Corpus(50 docs, 32175 tokens) Add or remove documents, with automatic updating of corpus statistics: .. code-block:: pycon >>> texts = ds.texts(congress=114, limit=25) >>> corpus.add(texts) >>> corpus.add("If Burton were a member of Congress, here's what he'd say.") >>> print(corpus) Corpus(76 docs, 55906 tokens) >>> corpus.remove(lambda doc: doc._.meta.get("speaker_name") == "Rick Santorum") >>> print(corpus) Corpus(61 docs, 48567 tokens) Get subsets of documents matching your particular use case: .. code-block:: pycon >>> match_func = lambda doc: doc._.meta.get("speaker_name") == "Bernie Sanders" >>> for doc in corpus.get(match_func, limit=3): ... print(doc._.preview) Doc(159 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, 480,000 Federal employees are work...") Doc(336 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding...") Doc(177 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, if we want to understand why in th...") Get or remove documents by indexing, too: .. code-block:: pycon >>> corpus[0]._.preview 'Doc(159 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, 480,000 Federal employees are work...")' >>> [doc._.preview for doc in corpus[:3]] ['Doc(159 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, 480,000 Federal employees are work...")', 'Doc(219 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, a relationship, to work and surviv...")', 'Doc(336 tokens: "Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding...")'] >>> del corpus[:5] >>> print(corpus) Corpus(56 docs, 41573 tokens) Compute basic corpus statistics: .. code-block:: pycon >>> corpus.n_docs, corpus.n_sents, corpus.n_tokens (56, 1771, 41573) >>> word_counts = corpus.word_counts(as_strings=True) >>> sorted(word_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:5] [('-PRON-', 2553), ('people', 215), ('year', 148), ('Mr.', 139), ('$', 137)] >>> word_doc_counts = corpus.word_doc_counts(weighting="freq", as_strings=True) >>> sorted(word_doc_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:5] [('-PRON-', 0.9821428571428571), ('Mr.', 0.7678571428571429), ('President', 0.5), ('people', 0.48214285714285715), ('need', 0.44642857142857145)] Save corpus data to and load from disk: .. code-block:: pycon >>>"./cw_sample.bin.gz") >>> corpus = textacy.Corpus.load("en_core_web_sm", "./cw_sample.bin.gz") >>> print(corpus) Corpus(56 docs, 41573 tokens) Args: lang: Language with which spaCy processes (or processed) all documents added to the corpus, whether as ``data`` now or later. Pass the name of a spacy language pipeline (e.g. "en_core_web_sm"), or an already-instantiated :class:`spacy.language.Language` object. A given / detected language string is then used to instantiate a corresponding ``Language`` with all default components enabled. data: One or a stream of texts, records, or :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` s to be added to the corpus. .. seealso:: :meth:`Corpus.add()` Attributes: lang spacy_lang docs n_docs n_sents n_tokens """ lang: str spacy_lang: Language docs: List[Doc] _doc_ids: List[int] n_docs: int n_sents: int n_tokens: int def __init__(self, lang: types.LangLike, data: Optional[types.CorpusData] = None): self.spacy_lang = spacier.utils.resolve_langlike(lang) self.lang = self.spacy_lang.lang = [] self._doc_ids = [] self.n_docs = 0 self.n_sents = 0 self.n_tokens = 0 if data is not None: self.add(data) # dunder def __str__(self): return f"Corpus({self.n_docs} docs, {self.n_tokens} tokens)" def __len__(self): return self.n_docs def __iter__(self): for doc in yield doc def __contains__(self, doc): return id(doc) in self._doc_ids def __getitem__(self, idx_or_slice): return[idx_or_slice] def __delitem__(self, idx_or_slice: int | slice): if isinstance(idx_or_slice, int): self._remove_one_doc_by_index(idx_or_slice) elif isinstance(idx_or_slice, slice): start, end, step = idx_or_slice.indices(self.n_docs) idxs = range(start, end, step) self._remove_many_docs_by_index(idxs) else: raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg( "idx_or_slice", type(idx_or_slice), Union[int, slice] ) ) # add documents
[docs] def add(self, data: types.CorpusData, batch_size: int = 1000, n_process: int = 1): """ Add one or a stream of texts, records, or :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` s to the corpus, ensuring that all processing is or has already been done by the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: data batch_size: Number of texts to buffer when processing with spaCy. n_process: Number of parallel processors to run when processing. If -1, this is set to ``multiprocessing.cpu_count()``. .. note:: This feature is only applies when ``data`` is a sequence of texts or records. See Also: * :meth:`Corpus.add_text()` * :meth:`Corpus.add_texts()` * :meth:`Corpus.add_record()` * :meth:`Corpus.add_records()` * :meth:`Corpus.add_doc()` * :meth:`Corpus.add_docs()` """ if isinstance(data, str): self.add_text(data) elif isinstance(data, Doc): self.add_doc(data) elif utils.is_record(data): self.add_record(data) elif isinstance(data, first, data = itertoolz.peek(data) if isinstance(first, str): self.add_texts(data, batch_size=batch_size, n_process=n_process) elif isinstance(first, Doc): self.add_docs(data) elif utils.is_record(first): self.add_records(data, batch_size=batch_size, n_process=n_process) else: raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg("data", type(data), types.CorpusData) ) else: raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg("data", type(data), types.CorpusData) )
[docs] def add_text(self, text: str) -> None: """ Add one text to the corpus, processing it into a :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` using the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: text (str) """ self._add_valid_doc(self.spacy_lang(text))
[docs] def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], batch_size: int = 1000, n_process: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Add a stream of texts to the corpus, efficiently processing them into :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` s using the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: texts: Sequence of texts to process and add to corpus. batch_size: Number of texts to buffer when processing with spaCy. n_process: Number of parallel processors to run when processing. If -1, this is set to ``multiprocessing.cpu_count()``. .. note:: This feature is only available in spaCy 2.2.2+. """ if spacy.__version__ >= "2.2.2": for doc in self.spacy_lang.pipe( texts, as_tuples=False, batch_size=batch_size, n_process=n_process, ): self._add_valid_doc(doc) else: if n_process != 1: LOGGER.warning("`n_process` is not available with spacy < 2.2.2") for doc in self.spacy_lang.pipe( texts, as_tuples=False, batch_size=batch_size, ): self._add_valid_doc(doc)
[docs] def add_record(self, record: types.Record) -> None: """ Add one record to the corpus, processing it into a :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` using the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: record """ doc = self.spacy_lang(record[0]) doc._.meta = record[1] self._add_valid_doc(doc)
[docs] def add_records( self, records: Iterable[types.Record], batch_size: int = 1000, n_process: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Add a stream of records to the corpus, efficiently processing them into :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` s using the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: records: Sequence of records to process and add to corpus. batch_size: Number of texts to buffer when processing with spaCy. n_process: Number of parallel processors to run when processing. If -1, this is set to ``multiprocessing.cpu_count()``. .. note:: This feature is only available in spaCy 2.2.2+. """ if spacy.__version__ >= "2.2.2": for doc, meta in self.spacy_lang.pipe( records, as_tuples=True, batch_size=batch_size, n_process=n_process, ): doc._.meta = meta self._add_valid_doc(doc) else: if n_process != 1: LOGGER.warning("`n_process` is not available with spacy < 2.2.2") for doc, meta in self.spacy_lang.pipe( records, as_tuples=True, batch_size=batch_size, ): doc._.meta = meta self._add_valid_doc(doc)
[docs] def add_doc(self, doc: Doc) -> None: """ Add one :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` to the corpus, provided it was processed using the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: doc """ if not isinstance(doc, Doc): raise TypeError(errors.type_invalid_msg("doc", type(doc), Doc)) if doc.vocab is not self.spacy_lang.vocab: raise ValueError( f"doc.vocab ({doc.vocab}) must be the same as " f"corpus.vocab ({self.spacy_lang.vocab})" ) self._add_valid_doc(doc)
[docs] def add_docs(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]) -> None: """ Add a stream of :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` s to the corpus, provided they were processed using the :attr:`Corpus.spacy_lang` pipeline. Args: docs """ for doc in docs: self.add_doc(doc)
def _add_valid_doc(self, doc: Doc) -> None: self._doc_ids.append(id(doc)) self.n_docs += 1 self.n_tokens += len(doc) if doc.has_annotation("SENT_START"): self.n_sents += itertoolz.count(doc.sents) # get documents
[docs] def get( self, match_func: Callable[[Doc], bool], limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterator[Doc]: """ Get all (or N <= ``limit``) docs in :class:`Corpus` for which ``match_func(doc)`` is True. Args: match_func: Function that takes a :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` as input and returns a boolean value. For example:: Corpus.get(lambda x: len(x) >= 100) gets all docs with at least 100 tokens. And:: Corpus.get(lambda doc: doc._.meta["author"] == "Burton DeWilde") gets all docs whose author was given as 'Burton DeWilde'. limit: Maximum number of matched docs to return. Yields: :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc`: Next document passing ``match_func``. .. tip:: To get doc(s) by index, treat :class:`Corpus` as a list and use Python's usual indexing and slicing: ``Corpus[0]`` gets the first document in the corpus; ``Corpus[:5]`` gets the first 5; etc. """ matched_docs = (doc for doc in self if match_func(doc) is True) for doc in itertools.islice(matched_docs, limit): yield doc
# remove documents
[docs] def remove( self, match_func: Callable[[Doc], bool], limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ Remove all (or N <= ``limit``) docs in :class:`Corpus` for which ``match_func(doc)`` is True. Corpus doc/sent/token counts are adjusted accordingly. Args: match_func: Function that takes a :class:`spacy.tokens.Doc` and returns a boolean value. For example:: Corpus.remove(lambda x: len(x) >= 100) removes docs with at least 100 tokens. And:: Corpus.remove(lambda doc: doc._.meta["author"] == "Burton DeWilde") removes docs whose author was given as "Burton DeWilde". limit: Maximum number of matched docs to remove. .. tip:: To remove doc(s) by index, treat :class:`Corpus` as a list and use Python's usual indexing and slicing: ``del Corpus[0]`` removes the first document in the corpus; ``del Corpus[:5]`` removes the first 5; etc. """ matched_docs = (doc for doc in self if match_func(doc) is True) self._remove_many_docs_by_index( self._doc_ids.index(id(doc)) for doc in itertools.islice(matched_docs, limit) )
def _remove_many_docs_by_index(self, idxs: Iterable[int]) -> None: for idx in sorted(idxs, reverse=True): self._remove_one_doc_by_index(idx) def _remove_one_doc_by_index(self, idx: int) -> None: doc =[idx] self.n_docs -= 1 self.n_tokens -= len(doc) if doc.has_annotation("SENT_START"): self.n_sents -= itertoolz.count(doc.sents) del[idx] del self._doc_ids[idx] # useful properties @property def vectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """Constituent docs' word vectors stacked in a 2d array.""" return np.vstack([doc.vector for doc in self]) @property def vector_norms(self) -> np.ndarray: """Constituent docs' L2-normalized word vectors stacked in a 2d array.""" return np.vstack([doc.vector_norm for doc in self]) # useful methods
[docs] def word_counts( self, *, by: str = "lemma", # Literal["lemma", "lower", "norm", "orth"] weighting: str = "count", # Literal["count", "freq"] **kwargs, ) -> Dict[int, int | float] | Dict[str, int | float]: """ Map the set of unique words in :class:`Corpus` to their counts as absolute, relative, or binary frequencies of occurence, similar to :meth:`Doc._.to_bag_of_words() <textacy.extensions.to_bag_of_words>` but aggregated over all docs. Args: by: Attribute by which spaCy ``Token`` s are grouped before counting, as given by ``getattr(token, by)``. If "lemma", tokens are grouped by their base form w/o inflections; if "lower", by the lowercase form of the token text; if "norm", by the normalized form of the token text; if "orth", by the token text exactly as it appears in documents. To output keys as strings, append an underscore to any of these options; for example, "lemma_" groups tokens by their lemmas as strings. weighting: Type of weighting to assign to unique words given by ``by``. If "count", weights are the absolute number of occurrences (i.e. counts); if "freq", weights are counts normalized by the total token count, giving their relative frequency of occurrence. **kwargs: Passed directly on to :func:`textacy.extract.words()` - filter_stops: If True, stop words are removed before counting. - filter_punct: If True, punctuation tokens are removed before counting. - filter_nums: If True, number-like tokens are removed before counting. Returns: Mapping of a unique word id or string (depending on the value of ``by``) to its absolute, relative, or binary frequency of occurrence (depending on the value of ``weighting``). See Also: :func:`textacy.representations.matrix_utils.get_term_freqs()` """ word_counts_: Union[Counter[Any], Dict[Any, Union[int, float]]] word_counts_ = collections.Counter() for doc in self: word_counts_.update( extensions.to_bag_of_words(doc, by=by, weighting="count", **kwargs) ) if weighting == "count": word_counts_ = dict(word_counts_) elif weighting == "freq": n_tokens = self.n_tokens word_counts_ = { word: count / n_tokens for word, count in word_counts_.items() } else: raise ValueError( errors.value_invalid_msg("weighting", weighting, {"count", "freq"}) ) return word_counts_
[docs] def word_doc_counts( self, *, by: str = "lemma", # Literal["lemma", "lower", "norm", "orth"] weighting: str = "count", # Literal["count", "freq", "idf"] smooth_idf: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Dict[int, int | float] | Dict[str, int | float]: """ Map the set of unique words in :class:`Corpus` to their *document* counts as absolute, relative, or inverse frequencies of occurence. Args: by: Attribute by which spaCy ``Token`` s are grouped before counting, as given by ``getattr(token, by)``. If "lemma", tokens are grouped by their base form w/o inflections; if "lower", by the lowercase form of the token text; if "norm", by the normalized form of the token text; if "orth", by the token text exactly as it appears in documents. To output keys as strings, append an underscore to any of these options; for example, "lemma_" groups tokens by their lemmas as strings. weighting: Type of weighting to assign to unique words given by ``by``. If "count", weights are the absolute number of occurrences (i.e. counts); if "freq", weights are counts normalized by the total token count, giving their relative frequency of occurrence; if "idf", weights are the log of the inverse relative frequencies, i.e. ``log(n_docs / word_doc_count)`` or, if ``smooth_idf`` is True, ``log(1 + (n_docs / word_doc_count))``. smooth_idf: If True, add 1 to all word doc counts when calculating "idf" weighting, equivalent to adding a single document to the corpus containing every unique word. Returns: Mapping of a unique word id or string (depending on the value of ``by``) to the number of documents in which it appears, weighted as absolute, relative, or inverse frequency of occurrence (depending on the value of ``weighting``). See Also: :func:`textacy.vsm.get_doc_freqs() <textacy.vsm.matrix_utils.get_doc_freqs>` """ word_doc_counts_: Union[Counter[Any], Dict[Any, Union[int, float]]] word_doc_counts_ = collections.Counter() for doc in self: word_doc_counts_.update( extensions.to_bag_of_words(doc, by=by, weighting="binary", **kwargs) ) if weighting == "count": word_doc_counts_ = dict(word_doc_counts_) elif weighting == "freq": n_docs = self.n_docs word_doc_counts_ = { word: count / n_docs for word, count in word_doc_counts_.items() } elif weighting == "idf": n_docs = self.n_docs if smooth_idf is True: word_doc_counts_ = { word: math.log1p(n_docs / count) for word, count in word_doc_counts_.items() } else: word_doc_counts_ = { word: math.log(n_docs / count) for word, count in word_doc_counts_.items() } else: raise ValueError( errors.value_invalid_msg( "weighting", weighting, {"count", "freq", "idf"} ) ) return word_doc_counts_
[docs] def agg_metadata( self, name: str, agg_func: Callable[[Iterable[Any]], Any], default: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Any: """ Aggregate values for a particular metadata field over all documents in :class:`Corpus`. Args: name: Name of metadata field (key) in :class:`Doc._.meta`. agg_func: Callable that accepts an iterable of field values and outputs a single, aggregated result. default: Default field value to use if ``name`` is not found in a given document's metadata. Returns: Aggregated value for metadata field. """ return agg_func(doc._.meta.get(name, default) for doc in self)
# file io
[docs] def save( self, filepath: types.PathLike, attrs: Optional[str | Iterable[str]] = "auto", store_user_data: bool = True, ): """ Save :class:`Corpus` to disk as binary data. Args: filepath: Full path to file on disk where :class:`Corpus` docs data will be saved as a binary file. attrs: List of token attributes to serialize; if "auto", an appropriate list is inferred from annotations found on the first ``Doc``; if None, spaCy's default values are used ( store_user_data: If True, store user data and values of custom extension attributes along with core spaCy attributes. See Also: - :meth:`Corpus.load()` - :func:`` - :class:`spacy.tokens.DocBin` """ if attrs == "auto": doc = self[0] attrs = [spacy.attrs.ORTH, spacy.attrs.SPACY] cand_attrs = [ "TAG", "POS", "ENT_IOB", "ENT_TYPE", "ENT_KB_ID", "LEMMA", "MORPH" ] for cand_attr in cand_attrs: if doc.has_annotation(cand_attr): attrs.append(getattr(spacy.attrs, cand_attr)) # just to be safe, use special handling for dependency parse annotations # to allow for multiple ways in which sentences may get segmented # *either* use DEP and HEAD or SENT_START to avoid potential conflicts # since HEAD implicitly sets sentence boundaries based on tree structure if self[0].has_annotation("DEP"): attrs.append(spacy.attrs.HEAD) attrs.append(spacy.attrs.DEP) elif self[0].has_annotation("SENT_START"): attrs.append(spacy.attrs.SENT_START) tio.write_spacy_docs(, filepath, format="binary", attrs=attrs, store_user_data=store_user_data )
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, lang: types.LangLike, filepath: types.PathLike, ) -> "Corpus": """ Load previously saved :class:`Corpus` binary data, reproduce the original `:class:`spacy.tokens.Doc`s tokens and annotations, and instantiate a new :class:`Corpus` from them. Args: lang filepath: Full path to file on disk where :class:`Corpus` data was previously saved as a binary file. Returns: Initialized corpus. See Also: - :meth:`` - :func:`` - :class:`spacy.tokens.DocBin` """ spacy_lang = spacier.utils.resolve_langlike(lang) docs = tio.read_spacy_docs(filepath, format="binary", lang=spacy_lang) return cls(spacy_lang, data=docs)