Source code for textacy.extract.triples


:mod:`textacy.extract.triples`: Extract structured triples from a document or sentence
through rule-based pattern-matching of the annotated tokens.
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Pattern, Tuple

from cytoolz import itertoolz
from spacy.symbols import (
    AUX, VERB,
    agent, attr, aux, auxpass, csubj, csubjpass, dobj, neg, nsubj, nsubjpass, obj, pobj, xcomp,
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token

from . import matches
from .. import constants, types, utils

_NOMINAL_SUBJ_DEPS = {nsubj, nsubjpass}
_CLAUSAL_SUBJ_DEPS = {csubj, csubjpass}
_ACTIVE_SUBJ_DEPS = {csubj, nsubj}
_VERB_MODIFIER_DEPS = {aux, auxpass, neg}

SVOTriple: Tuple[List[Token], List[Token], List[Token]] = collections.namedtuple(
    "SVOTriple", ["subject", "verb", "object"]
SSSTriple: Tuple[List[Token], List[Token], List[Token]] = collections.namedtuple(
    "SSSTriple", ["entity", "cue", "fragment"]
DQTriple: Tuple[List[Token], List[Token], Span] = collections.namedtuple(
    "DQTriple", ["speaker", "cue", "content"]

[docs]def subject_verb_object_triples(doclike: types.DocLike) -> Iterable[SVOTriple]: """ Extract an ordered sequence of subject-verb-object triples from a document or sentence. Args: doclike Yields: Next SVO triple as (subject, verb, object), in approximate order of appearance. """ if isinstance(doclike, Span): sents = [doclike] else: sents = doclike.sents for sent in sents: # connect subjects/objects to direct verb heads # and expand them to include conjuncts, compound nouns, ... verb_sos = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(set)) for tok in sent: head = tok.head # ensure entry for all verbs, even if empty # to catch conjugate verbs without direct subject/object deps if tok.pos == VERB: _ = verb_sos[tok] # nominal subject of active or passive verb if tok.dep in _NOMINAL_SUBJ_DEPS: if head.pos == VERB: verb_sos[head]["subjects"].update(expand_noun(tok)) # clausal subject of active or passive verb elif tok.dep in _CLAUSAL_SUBJ_DEPS: if head.pos == VERB: verb_sos[head]["subjects"].update(tok.subtree) # nominal direct object of transitive verb elif tok.dep == dobj: if head.pos == VERB: verb_sos[head]["objects"].update(expand_noun(tok)) # prepositional object acting as agent of passive verb elif tok.dep == pobj: if head.dep == agent and head.head.pos == VERB: verb_sos[head.head]["objects"].update(expand_noun(tok)) # open clausal complement, but not as a secondary predicate elif tok.dep == xcomp: if ( head.pos == VERB and not any(child.dep == dobj for child in head.children) ): # TODO: just the verb, or the whole tree? # verb_sos[verb]["objects"].update(expand_verb(tok)) verb_sos[head]["objects"].update(tok.subtree) # fill in any indirect relationships connected via verb conjuncts for verb, so_dict in verb_sos.items(): conjuncts = verb.conjuncts if so_dict.get("subjects"): for conj in conjuncts: conj_so_dict = verb_sos.get(conj) if conj_so_dict and not conj_so_dict.get("subjects"): conj_so_dict["subjects"].update(so_dict["subjects"]) if not so_dict.get("objects"): so_dict["objects"].update( obj for conj in conjuncts for obj in verb_sos.get(conj, {}).get("objects", []) ) # expand verbs and restructure into svo triples for verb, so_dict in verb_sos.items(): if so_dict["subjects"] and so_dict["objects"]: yield SVOTriple( subject=sorted(so_dict["subjects"], key=attrgetter("i")), verb=sorted(expand_verb(verb), key=attrgetter("i")), object=sorted(so_dict["objects"], key=attrgetter("i")), )
[docs]def semistructured_statements( doclike: types.DocLike, *, entity: str | Pattern, cue: str, fragment_len_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]] = None, ) -> Iterable[SSSTriple]: """ Extract "semi-structured statements" from a document as a sequence of (entity, cue, fragment) triples. Args: doclike entity: Noun or noun phrase of interest expressed as a regular expression pattern string (e.g. ``"[Gg]lobal [Ww]arming"``) or compiled object (e.g. ``re.compile("global warming", re.IGNORECASE)``). cue: Verb lemma with which ``entity`` is associated (e.g. "be", "have", "say"). fragment_len_range: Filter statements to those whose fragment length in tokens is within the specified [low, high) interval. Both low and high values must be specified, but a null value for either is automatically replaced by safe default values. None (default) skips filtering by fragment length. Yields: Next matching triple, consisting of (entity, cue, fragment), in order of appearance. Notes: Inspired by N. Diakopoulos, A. Zhang, A. Salway. Visual Analytics of Media Frames in Online News and Blogs. IEEE InfoVis Workshop on Text Visualization. October, 2013. Which itself was inspired by by Salway, A.; Kelly, L.; Skadiņa, I.; and Jones, G. 2010. Portable Extraction of Partially Structured Facts from the Web. In Proc. ICETAL 2010, LNAI 6233, 345-356. Heidelberg, Springer. """ if fragment_len_range is not None: fragment_len_range = utils.validate_and_clip_range( fragment_len_range, (1, 1000), int ) for entity_cand in matches.regex_matches(doclike, entity, alignment_mode="strict"): # is the entity candidate a nominal subject? if entity_cand.root.dep in _NOMINAL_SUBJ_DEPS: cue_cand = entity_cand.root.head # is the cue candidate a verb with matching lemma? if cue_cand.pos in {VERB, AUX} and cue_cand.lemma_ == cue: frag_cand = None for tok in cue_cand.children: if ( tok.dep in {attr, dobj, obj} or tok.dep_ == "dative" or ( tok.dep == xcomp and not any(child.dep == dobj for child in cue_cand.children) ) ): subtoks = list(tok.subtree) if ( fragment_len_range is None or fragment_len_range[0] <= len(subtoks) < fragment_len_range[1] ): frag_cand = subtoks break if frag_cand is not None: yield SSSTriple( entity=list(entity_cand), cue=sorted(expand_verb(cue_cand), key=attrgetter("i")), fragment=sorted(frag_cand, key=attrgetter("i")), )
[docs]def direct_quotations(doc: Doc) -> Iterable[DQTriple]: """ Extract direct quotations with an attributable speaker from a document using simple rules and patterns. Does not extract indirect or mixed quotations! Args: doc Yields: Next direct quotation in ``doc`` as a (speaker, cue, content) triple. Notes: Loosely inspired by Krestel, Bergler, Witte. "Minding the Source: Automatic Tagging of Reported Speech in Newspaper Articles". """ # TODO: train a model to do this instead, maybe similar to entity recognition try: _reporting_verbs = constants.REPORTING_VERBS[doc.lang_] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"direct quotation extraction is not implemented for lang='{doc.lang_}', " f"only {sorted(constants.REPORTING_VERBS.keys())}" ) qtok_idxs = [tok.i for tok in doc if tok.is_quote] if len(qtok_idxs) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( f"{len(qtok_idxs)} quotation marks found, indicating an unclosed quotation; " "given the limitations of this method, it's safest to bail out " "rather than guess which quotation is unclosed" ) qtok_pair_idxs = list(itertoolz.partition(2, qtok_idxs)) for qtok_start_idx, qtok_end_idx in qtok_pair_idxs: content = doc[qtok_start_idx : qtok_end_idx + 1] cue = None speaker = None # filter quotations by content if ( # quotations should have at least a couple tokens # excluding the first/last quotation mark tokens len(content) < 4 # filter out titles of books and such, if possible or all( tok.is_title for tok in content # if tok.pos in {NOUN, PROPN} if not (tok.is_punct or tok.is_stop) ) # TODO: require closing punctuation before the quotation mark? # content[-2].is_punct is False ): continue # get window of adjacent/overlapping sentences window_sents = ( sent for sent in doc.sents # these boundary cases are a subtle bit of work... if ( (sent.start < qtok_start_idx and sent.end >= qtok_start_idx - 1) or (sent.start <= qtok_end_idx + 1 and sent.end > qtok_end_idx) ) ) # get candidate cue verbs in window cue_cands = [ tok for sent in window_sents for tok in sent if ( tok.pos == VERB and tok.lemma_ in _reporting_verbs # cue verbs must occur *outside* any quotation content and not any( qts_idx <= tok.i <= qte_idx for qts_idx, qte_idx in qtok_pair_idxs ) ) ] # sort candidates by proximity to quote content cue_cands = sorted( cue_cands, key=lambda cc: min(abs(cc.i - qtok_start_idx), abs(cc.i - qtok_end_idx)), ) for cue_cand in cue_cands: if cue is not None: break for speaker_cand in cue_cand.children: if speaker_cand.dep in _ACTIVE_SUBJ_DEPS: cue = expand_verb(cue_cand) speaker = expand_noun(speaker_cand) break if content and cue and speaker: yield DQTriple( speaker=sorted(speaker, key=attrgetter("i")), cue=sorted(cue, key=attrgetter("i")), content=content, )
[docs]def expand_noun(tok: Token) -> List[Token]: """Expand a noun token to include all associated conjunct and compound nouns.""" tok_and_conjuncts = [tok] + list(tok.conjuncts) compounds = [ child for tc in tok_and_conjuncts for child in tc.children # TODO: why doesn't compound import from spacy.symbols? if child.dep_ == "compound" ] return tok_and_conjuncts + compounds
[docs]def expand_verb(tok: Token) -> List[Token]: """Expand a verb token to include all associated auxiliary and negation tokens.""" verb_modifiers = [ child for child in tok.children if child.dep in _VERB_MODIFIER_DEPS ] return [tok] + verb_modifiers