Source code for

:mod:``: Functions for reading from and writing to disk CSC and CSR
sparse matrices in numpy binary format.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

from .. import errors, types, utils
from . import utils as io_utils

[docs]def read_sparse_matrix( filepath: types.PathLike, *, kind: str = "csc", ) -> sp.csc_matrix | sp.csr_matrix: """ Read the data, indices, indptr, and shape arrays from a ``.npz`` file on disk at ``filepath``, and return an instantiated sparse matrix. Args: filepath: Path to file on disk from which data will be read. kind ({'csc', 'csr'}): Kind of sparse matrix to instantiate. Returns: An instantiated sparse matrix, whose type depends on the value of ``kind``. See Also: """ npz_file = np.load(filepath) if kind == "csc": return sp.csc_matrix( (npz_file["data"], npz_file["indices"], npz_file["indptr"]), shape=npz_file["shape"], ) elif kind == "csr": return sp.csr_matrix( (npz_file["data"], npz_file["indices"], npz_file["indptr"]), shape=npz_file["shape"], ) else: raise ValueError(errors.value_invalid_msg("kind", kind, {"csc", "csr"}))
[docs]def write_sparse_matrix( data: sp.csc_matrix | sp.csr_matrix, filepath: types.PathLike, *, compressed: bool = True, make_dirs: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Write sparse matrix ``data`` to disk at ``filepath``, optionally compressed, into a single ``.npz`` file. Args: data filepath: Path to file on disk to which data will be written. If ``filepath`` does not end in ``.npz``, that extension is automatically appended to the name. compressed: If True, save arrays into a single file in compressed numpy binary format. make_dirs: If True, automatically create (sub)directories if not already present in order to write ``filepath``. See Also: """ if not isinstance(data, (sp.csc_matrix, sp.csr_matrix)): raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg( "data", type(data), Union[sp.csc_matrix, sp.csr_matrix] ) ) filepath = utils.to_path(filepath).resolve() if make_dirs is True: io_utils._make_dirs(filepath, "w") if compressed is True: np.savez_compressed( str(filepath),, indices=data.indices, indptr=data.indptr, shape=data.shape, ) else: np.savez( str(filepath),, indices=data.indices, indptr=data.indptr, shape=data.shape, )