Source code for


:mod:``: Represent document data as networks,
where nodes are terms, sentences, or even full documents and edges between them
are weighted by the strength of their co-occurrence or similarity.
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import itertools
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from cytoolz import itertoolz

from .. import errors, similarity

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def build_cooccurrence_network( data: Sequence[str] | Sequence[Sequence[str]], *, window_size: int = 2, edge_weighting: str = "count", # Literal["count", "binary"] ) -> nx.Graph: """ Transform an ordered sequence of strings (or a sequence of such sequences) into a graph, where each string is represented by a node with weighted edges linking it to other strings that co-occur within ``window_size`` elements of itself. Input ``data`` can take a variety of forms. For example, as a ``Sequence[str]`` where elements are token or term strings from a single document: .. code-block:: pycon >>> texts = [ ... "Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.", ... "Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.", ... ] >>> docs = [make_spacy_doc(text, lang="en_core_web_sm") for text in texts] >>> data = [tok.text for tok in docs[0]] >>> graph = build_cooccurrence_network(data, window_size=2) >>> sorted(graph.adjacency())[0] ('.', {'lamb': {'weight': 1}, 'Its': {'weight': 1}, 'snow': {'weight': 1}}) Or as a ``Sequence[Sequence[str]]``, where elements are token or term strings per sentence from a single document: .. code-block:: pycon >>> data = [[tok.text for tok in sent] for sent in docs[0].sents] >>> graph = build_cooccurrence_network(data, window_size=2) >>> sorted(graph.adjacency())[0] ('.', {'lamb': {'weight': 1}, 'snow': {'weight': 1}}) Or as a ``Sequence[Sequence[str]]``, where elements are token or term strings per document from multiple documents: .. code-block:: pycon >>> data = [[tok.text for tok in doc] for doc in docs] >>> graph = build_cooccurrence_network(data, window_size=2) >>> sorted(graph.adjacency())[0] ('.', {'lamb': {'weight': 1}, 'Its': {'weight': 1}, 'snow': {'weight': 1}, 'go': {'weight': 1}}) Note how the "." token's connections to other nodes change for each case. (Note that in real usage, you'll probably want to remove stopwords, punctuation, etc. so that nodes in the graph represent meaningful concepts.) Args: data window_size: Size of sliding window over ``data`` that determines which strings are said to co-occur. For example, a value of 2 means that only immediately adjacent strings will have edges in the network; larger values loosen the definition of co-occurrence and typically lead to a more densely-connected network. .. note:: Co-occurrence windows are not permitted to cross sequences. So, if ``data`` is a ``Sequence[Sequence[str]]``, then co-occ counts are computed separately for each sub-sequence, then summed together. edge_weighting: Method by which edges between nodes are weighted. If "count", nodes are connected by edges with weights equal to the number of times they co-occurred within a sliding window; if "binary", all such edges have weight set equal to 1. Returns: Graph whose nodes correspond to individual strings from ``data``; those that co-occur are connected by edges with weights determined by ``edge_weighting``. Reference: """ if not data: LOGGER.warning("input `data` is empty, so output graph is also empty") return nx.Graph() if window_size < 2: raise ValueError(f"window_size = {window_size} is invalid; value must be >= 2") # input data is Sequence[str] if isinstance(data[0], str): windows = itertoolz.sliding_window(min(window_size, len(data)), data) # input data is Sequence[Sequence[str]] elif isinstance(data[0], Sequence) and isinstance(data[0][0], str): windows = itertoolz.concat( itertoolz.sliding_window(min(window_size, len(subseq)), subseq) for subseq in data ) else: raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg( "data", data, Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Sequence[str]]] ) ) graph = nx.Graph() if edge_weighting == "count": cooc_counts = collections.Counter( w1_w2 for window in windows for w1_w2 in itertools.combinations(sorted(window), 2) ) graph.add_edges_from( (w1, w2, {"weight": weight}) for (w1, w2), weight in cooc_counts.items() ) elif edge_weighting == "binary": edge_data = {"weight": 1} graph.add_edges_from( (w1, w2, edge_data) for window in windows for (w1, w2) in itertools.combinations(window, 2) ) else: raise ValueError( errors.value_invalid_msg( "edge_weighting", edge_weighting, {"count", "binary"} ) ) return graph
[docs]def build_similarity_network( data: Sequence[str] | Sequence[Sequence[str]], edge_weighting: str, ) -> nx.Graph: """ Transform a sequence of strings (or a sequence of such sequences) into a graph, where each element of the top-level sequence is represented by a node with edges linking it to all other elements weighted by their pairwise similarity. Input ``data`` can take a variety of forms. For example, as a ``Sequence[str]`` where elements are sentence texts from a single document: .. code-block:: pycon >>> texts = [ ... "Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.", ... "Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.", ... ] >>> docs = [make_spacy_doc(text, lang="en_core_web_sm") for text in texts] >>> data = [sent.text.lower() for sent in docs[0].sents] >>> graph = build_similarity_network(data, "levenshtein") >>> sorted(graph.adjacency())[0] ('its fleece was white as snow.', {'mary had a little lamb.': {'weight': 0.24137931034482762}}) Or as a ``Sequence[str]`` where elements are full texts from multiple documents: .. code-block:: pycon >>> data = [doc.text.lower() for doc in docs] >>> graph = build_similarity_network(data, "jaro") >>> sorted(graph.adjacency())[0] ('everywhere that mary went the lamb was sure to go.', {'mary had a little lamb. its fleece was white as snow.': {'weight': 0.6516002795248078}}) Or as a ``Sequence[Sequence[str]]`` where elements are tokenized texts from multiple documents: .. code-block:: pycon >>> data = [[tok.lower_ for tok in doc] for doc in docs] >>> graph = build_similarity_network(data, "jaccard") >>> sorted(graph.adjacency())[0] (('everywhere', 'that', 'mary', 'went', 'the', 'lamb', 'was', 'sure', 'to', 'go', '.'), {('mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb', '.', 'its', 'fleece', 'was', 'white', 'as', 'snow', '.'): {'weight': 0.21052631578947367}}) Args: data edge_weighting: Similarity metric to use for weighting edges between elements in ``data``, represented as the name of a function available in :mod:`textacy.similarity`. .. note:: Different metrics are suited for different forms and contexts of ``data``. You'll have to decide which method makes sense. For example, when comparing a sequence of short strings, "levenshtein" is often a reasonable bet; when comparing a sequence of sequences of somewhat noisy strings (e.g. includes punctuation, cruft tokens), you might try "matching_subsequences_ratio" to help filter out the noise. Returns: Graph whose nodes correspond to top-level sequence elements in ``data``, connected by edges to all other nodes with weights determined by their pairwise similarity. Reference: -- this is *not* the same as what's implemented here, but they're similar in spirit. """ if not data: LOGGER.warning("input `data` is empty, so output graph is also empty") return nx.Graph() sim_func = getattr(similarity, edge_weighting) if isinstance(data[0], str): ele_pairs = itertools.combinations(data, 2) elif isinstance(data[0], Sequence) and isinstance(data[0][0], str): # nx graph nodes need to be *hashable*, so Sequence => Tuple ele_pairs = ( (tuple(ele1), tuple(ele2)) for ele1, ele2 in itertools.combinations(data, 2) ) else: raise TypeError( errors.type_invalid_msg( "data", data, Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Sequence[str]]] ) ) graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_edges_from( (ele1, ele2, {"weight": sim_func(ele1, ele2)}) for ele1, ele2 in ele_pairs ) return graph
[docs]def rank_nodes_by_pagerank( graph: nx.Graph, weight: str = "weight", **kwargs, ) -> Dict[Any, float]: """ Rank nodes in ``graph`` using the Pagegrank algorithm. Args: graph weight: Key in edge data that holds weights. **kwargs Returns: Mapping of node object to Pagerank score. """ return nx.pagerank_scipy(graph, weight=weight, **kwargs)
[docs]def rank_nodes_by_bestcoverage( graph: nx.Graph, k: int, c: int = 1, alpha: float = 1.0, weight: str = "weight", ) -> Dict[Any, float]: """ Rank nodes in a network using the BestCoverage algorithm that attempts to balance between node centrality and diversity. Args: graph k: Number of results to return for top-k search. c: *l* parameter for *l*-step expansion; best if 1 or 2 alpha: Float in [0.0, 1.0] specifying how much of central vertex's score to remove from its *l*-step neighbors; smaller value puts more emphasis on centrality, larger value puts more emphasis on diversity weight: Key in edge data that holds weights. Returns: Top ``k`` nodes as ranked by bestcoverage algorithm; keys as node identifiers, values as corresponding ranking scores References: Küçüktunç, O., Saule, E., Kaya, K., & Çatalyürek, Ü. V. (2013, May). Diversified recommendation on graphs: pitfalls, measures, and algorithms. In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web (pp. 715-726). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. """ alpha = float(alpha) nodes_list = [node for node in graph] if len(nodes_list) == 0: LOGGER.warning("`graph` is empty") return {} # ranks: array of PageRank values, summing up to 1 ranks = nx.pagerank_scipy(graph, alpha=0.85, max_iter=100, tol=1e-08, weight=weight) # sorted_ranks = sorted(ranks.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # avg_degree = sum(dict( / len(nodes_list) # relaxation parameter, k' in the paper # k_prime = int(k * avg_degree * c) # top_k_sorted_ranks = sorted_ranks[:k_prime] def get_l_step_expanded_set(vertices: Collection[str], n_steps: int) -> Set[str]: """ Args: vertices: vertices to be expanded n_steps: how many steps to expand vertices set Returns: the l-step expanded set of vertices """ # add vertices to s s = set(vertices) # s.update(vertices) # for each step for _ in range(n_steps): # for each node next_vertices = [] for vertex in vertices: # add its neighbors to the next list neighbors = graph.neighbors(vertex) next_vertices.extend(neighbors) s.update(neighbors) vertices = set(next_vertices) return s # TODO: someday, burton, figure out what you were going to do with this... # top_k_exp_vertices = get_l_step_expanded_set( # [item[0] for item in top_k_sorted_ranks], c # ) # compute initial exprel contribution taken = collections.defaultdict(bool) contrib = {} for vertex in nodes_list: # get l-step expanded set s = get_l_step_expanded_set([vertex], c) # sum up neighbors ranks, i.e. l-step expanded relevance contrib[vertex] = sum(ranks[v] for v in s) sum_contrib = 0.0 results = {} # greedily select to maximize exprel metric for _ in range(k): if not contrib: break # find word with highest l-step expanded relevance score max_word_score = sorted(contrib.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0] sum_contrib += max_word_score[1] # contrib[max_word[0]] results[max_word_score[0]] = max_word_score[1] # find its l-step expanded set l_step_expanded_set = get_l_step_expanded_set([max_word_score[0]], c) # for each vertex found for vertex in l_step_expanded_set: # already removed its contribution from neighbors if taken[vertex] is True: continue # remove the contribution of vertex (or some fraction) from its l-step neighbors s1 = get_l_step_expanded_set([vertex], c) for w in s1: try: contrib[w] -= alpha * ranks[vertex] except KeyError: LOGGER.error( "Word %s not in contrib dict! We're approximating...", w ) taken[vertex] = True contrib[max_word_score[0]] = 0 return results
[docs]def rank_nodes_by_divrank( graph: nx.Graph, r: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, lambda_: float = 0.5, alpha: float = 0.5, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Rank nodes in a network using the DivRank algorithm that attempts to balance between node centrality and diversity. Args: graph r: The "personalization vector"; by default, ``r = ones(1, n)/n`` lambda_: Float in [0.0, 1.0] alpha: Float in [0.0, 1.0] that controls the strength of self-links. Returns: Mapping of node to score ordered by descending divrank score References: Mei, Q., Guo, J., & Radev, D. (2010, July). Divrank: the interplay of prestige and diversity in information networks. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 1009-1018). ACM. """ # check function arguments if len(graph) == 0: LOGGER.warning("`graph` is empty") return {} # specify the order of nodes to use in creating the matrix # and then later recovering the values from the order index nodes_list = [node for node in graph] # create adjacency matrix, i.e. # n x n matrix where entry W_ij is the weight of the edge from V_i to V_j W = nx.to_numpy_matrix(graph, nodelist=nodes_list, weight="weight").A n = W.shape[1] # create flat prior personalization vector if none given if r is None: r = np.array([n * [1 / float(n)]]) # Specify some constants max_iter = 1000 diff = 1e10 tol = 1e-3 pr = np.array([n * [1 / float(n)]]) # Get p0(v -> u), i.e. transition probability prior to reinforcement tmp = np.reshape(np.sum(W, axis=1), (n, 1)) idx_nan = np.flatnonzero(tmp == 0) W0 = W / np.tile(tmp, (1, n)) W0[idx_nan, :] = 0 del W # DivRank algorithm i = 0 while i < max_iter and diff > tol: W1 = alpha * W0 * np.tile(pr, (n, 1)) W1 = W1 - np.diag(W1[:, 0]) + (1 - alpha) * np.diag(pr[0, :]) tmp1 = np.reshape(np.sum(W1, axis=1), (n, 1)) P = W1 / np.tile(tmp1, (1, n)) P = ((1 - lambda_) * P) + (lambda_ * np.tile(r, (n, 1))) pr_new =, P) i += 1 diff = np.sum(np.abs(pr_new - pr)) / np.sum(pr) pr = pr_new # sort nodes by divrank score results = sorted( ((i, score) for i, score in enumerate(pr.flatten().tolist())), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True, ) # replace node number by node value divranks = {nodes_list[result[0]]: result[1] for result in results} return divranks