Source code for textacy.utils

:mod:`textacy.utils`: Variety of general-purpose utility functions for inspecting /
validating / transforming args and facilitating meta package tasks.
import inspect
import logging
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
from typing import (
from typing import cast

from . import errors as errors_

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def deprecated(message: str, *, action: str = "always"): """ Show a deprecation warning, optionally filtered. Args: message: Message to display with ``DeprecationWarning``. action: Filter controlling whether warning is ignored, displayed, or turned into an error. For reference: See Also: """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action, DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
[docs]def get_config() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get key configuration info about dev environment: OS, python, spacy, and textacy. Returns: dict """ from spacy.about import __version__ as spacy_version from spacy.util import get_data_path from ._version import __version__ as textacy_version return { "platform": sys.platform, "python": sys.version, "spacy": spacy_version, "spacy_models": [[-1] for d in get_data_path().iterdir() if (d.is_dir() or d.is_symlink()) and[-1] not in {"__cache__", "__pycache__"} ], "textacy": textacy_version, }
[docs]def is_record(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check whether ``obj`` is a "record" -- that is, a (text, metadata) 2-tuple.""" if ( isinstance(obj, tuple) and len(obj) == 2 and isinstance(obj[0], str) and isinstance(obj[1], dict) ): return True else: return False
[docs]def to_collection( val: Any, val_type: Union[Type[Any], Tuple[Type[Any], ...]], col_type: Type[Any], ) -> Optional[Collection[Any]]: """ Validate and cast a value or values to a collection. Args: val (object): Value or values to validate and cast. val_type (type): Type of each value in collection, e.g. ``int`` or ``str``. col_type (type): Type of collection to return, e.g. ``tuple`` or ``set``. Returns: Collection of type ``col_type`` with values all of type ``val_type``. Raises: TypeError """ if val is None: return None if isinstance(val, val_type): return col_type([val]) elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)): if not all(isinstance(v, val_type) for v in val): raise TypeError(f"not all values are of type {val_type}") return col_type(val) else: # TODO: use standard error message, maybe? raise TypeError( f"values must be {val_type} or a collection thereof, not {type(val)}" )
[docs]def to_bytes( s: Union[str, bytes], *, encoding: str = "utf-8", errors: str = "strict", ) -> bytes: """Coerce string ``s`` to bytes.""" if isinstance(s, str): return s.encode(encoding, errors) elif isinstance(s, bytes): return s else: raise TypeError(errors_.type_invalid_msg("s", type(s), Union[str, bytes]))
[docs]def to_unicode( s: Union[str, bytes], *, encoding: str = "utf-8", errors: str = "strict", ) -> str: """Coerce string ``s`` to unicode.""" if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode(encoding, errors) elif isinstance(s, str): return s else: raise TypeError(errors_.type_invalid_msg("s", type(s), Union[str, bytes]))
[docs]def to_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> pathlib.Path: """ Coerce ``path`` to a ``pathlib.Path``. Args: path Returns: :class:`pathlib.Path` """ if isinstance(path, str): return pathlib.Path(path) elif isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): return path else: raise TypeError( errors_.type_invalid_msg("path", type(path), Union[str, pathlib.Path]) )
[docs]def validate_set_members( vals: Union[Any, Set[Any]], val_type: Union[Type[Any], Tuple[Type[Any], ...]], valid_vals: Optional[Set[Any]] = None, ) -> Set[Any]: """ Validate values that must be of a certain type and (optionally) found among a set of known valid values. Args: vals: Value or values to validate. val_type: Type(s) of which all ``vals`` must be instances. valid_vals: Set of valid values in which all ``vals`` must be found. Return: Set[obj]: Validated values. Raises: TypeError ValueError """ vals = cast(Set, to_collection(vals, val_type, set)) if valid_vals is not None: if not isinstance(valid_vals, set): valid_vals = set(valid_vals) if not all(val in valid_vals for val in vals): raise ValueError( "values {} are invalid; valid values are {}".format( vals.difference(valid_vals), valid_vals, ) ) return vals
[docs]def validate_and_clip_range( range_vals: Tuple[Any, Any], full_range: Tuple[Any, Any], val_type: Optional[Union[Type[Any], Tuple[Type[Any], ...]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ Validate and clip range values. Args: range_vals: Range values, i.e. [start_val, end_val), to validate and, if necessary, clip. If None, the value is set to the corresponding value in ``full_range``. full_range: Full range of values, i.e. [min_val, max_val), within which ``range_vals`` must lie. val_type: Type(s) of which all ``range_vals`` must be instances, unless val is None. Returns: Range for which null or too-small/large values have been clipped to the min/max valid values. Raises: TypeError ValueError """ for range_ in (range_vals, full_range): if not isinstance(range_, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "range must be of type {}, not {}".format({list, tuple}, type(range_)) ) if len(range_) != 2: raise ValueError( f"range must have 2 items -- (start, end) -- not {len(range_)}" ) if val_type: for range_ in (range_vals, full_range): for val in range_: if val is not None and not isinstance(val, val_type): raise TypeError( "range value={} must be of type {}, not {}".format( val, val_type, type(val) ) ) if range_vals[0] is None: range_vals = (full_range[0], range_vals[1]) elif range_vals[0] < full_range[0]: "start of range %s < minimum valid value %s; clipping...", range_vals[0], full_range[0], ) range_vals = (full_range[0], range_vals[1]) if range_vals[1] is None: range_vals = (range_vals[0], full_range[1]) elif range_vals[1] > full_range[1]: "end of range %s > maximum valid value %s; clipping...", range_vals[1], full_range[1], ) range_vals = (range_vals[0], full_range[1]) return cast(Tuple[Any, Any], tuple(range_vals))
[docs]def get_kwargs_for_func(func: Callable, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the set of keyword arguments from ``kwargs`` that are used by ``func``. Useful when calling a func from another func and inferring its signature from provided ``**kwargs``. """ if not kwargs: return {} func_params = { name for name, param in inspect.signature(func).parameters.items() if param.kind in _KW_PARAM_KINDS } func_kwargs = { kwarg: value for kwarg, value in kwargs.items() if kwarg in func_params } return func_kwargs
[docs]def text_to_char_ngrams(text: str, n: int, *, pad: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Convert a text string into an ordered sequence of character ngrams. Args: text n: Number of characters to concatenate in each ``n``-gram. pad: If True, pad ``text`` by adding ``n - 1`` "_" characters on either side; if False, leave ``text`` as-is. Returns: Ordered sequence of character ngrams. """ if pad is True and n > 1: pad_chars = "_" * (n - 1) text = f"{pad_chars}{text}{pad_chars}" return tuple(text[i : i + n] for i in range(len(text) - n + 1))